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Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Generation - Treasured Past


Tuesday, March 30th our grand-daughter was born. There were lots of projects leading up to her arrival and much sharing as a new generation of our family began. For awhile, I have been thinking about a blog. This seems the perfect place to start.

I love all things old....somehow, they all seem older now. Perhaps this is the time to photograph and record the stories. Hopefully learn a bit more. Perhaps this is the perfect way to share what I am doing and gather new ideas as I blend the old and new.

This is a picture of a quilt I received from my godmother, Faith. It was given to her by her godmother, Grace who had received it from her Auntie Bridget. We have always called it Auntie Bridget's quilt. I believe Bridget purchased it in Ireland and brought it with her to start a new home in the United States. We believe it was made by nuns in Ireland. It is a combination of patchwork and broderie perse. The quilting is a series of horizontal lines. I am pretty certain it was created in the mid to late 1800's. I have searched a bit on the Internet hoping to find a way of dating the quilt and perhaps learning the historical name of the pattern.

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